My Current Blogsites

This is an archive collection of the many different blogsites I've used over the years. These posts chronicle my incessant ramblings, thoughts and observations over the course of my life journey. On different occasions I have written with more frequency, honesty, or purpose than others, but my hope is that as you eavesdrop along my journey, my words may somehow prove to be signposts for yours.

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Saturday, April 5, 2008

Blazing Sandals

The clock is my friend tonight, or I should say Daylight Savings Time is my friend. Tonight we set the clocks back giving me a whole extra hour of sleep! (That also means the time difference will be only 5 hours to the east coast for those who are keeping track.) And what a perfect night for it. Today I set out with some of the volunteers from the Ark to climb the mountain overlooking Okahandja (as seen in the Photo of the Day on March 21). None of us had actually done it before and our word of mouth directions were rather vague, so most of the way we were basically blazing our own trail through the bush. Despite getting their braids stuck in the thorn bushes and some pretty intense rock climbing, the girls were troopers and made it all the way up. After a long day hiking I was more than ready for a shower, a little comfort food for dinner (Kraft Macaroni & Cheese! a gift from home), and pretty soon an early bedtime.


No news on Pearl. I’ll let you know when I hear something. Thanks so much for all the prayers. I know they’re an encouragement to her.

1 comment:

  1. Sweet dreams tonight, my friend! Enjoy the extra hour! We saw this beautiful pink sunset tonight. I looked over to Christine in the car and said, "Quick, Mike, grab your camera!" Miss you! Thanks for the great pics you're posting!
