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Sunday, September 13, 2009

Work or Play

I went to a new church today called Nexus. It was a pretty cool, inner-city church in Uptown Charlotte (for some strange reason they call their downtown "Uptown"...southerners). The pastor is a missionary to America from Zimbabwe so again, very cool accent. In his sermon today he brought up some very interesting points about the divergance our culture has made between work and play. It made me think about the overwhelming priority we've placed on recreation. It seems like the only reason people work is so that they can go on vacation or save up money for retirement when they won't have to work. We're always trying to get out of work. Just think of how often we're encouraged to take a sick day or a long lunch. Adventure trips and once-in-a-lifetime experiences are now a dime a dozen. They tell us to "Sieze the day" and "Grab life by the horns."

But take a look at the apostles. Those guys were tireless in their work. Everywhere they went they were sharing Jesus with people. And the church fathers, some of those guys we'd call crazy for the amount of time they put into praying over their ministry. How about David Brainerd who wrote in his journal on his 24th birthday, "I want to wear out my life in His service and for His glory." And he did just that ministering to the Native Americans until it cost him his life just five years later. But above all, it was Jesus who said, "My nourishment comes from doing the will of him who sent me and to accomplish his work."

I think it's time we as a church reevaluate our purpose. Have we allowed the world to convince us that our ultimate goal in life is play? That ministry is work to be avoided or at least designated to an hour volunteering on Sunday morning? I'm not suggesting play is worthless, come on now, I love it. But why don't we try incorporating our work into our play. At your next barbeque, invite some neighbors who don't know Christ. For your next vacation, go on a missions trip or to a Christian camp. Spend some free time volunteering at a local shelter or mission. Life's too short to just "kill time." Let's be like Brainerd and exhaust the years of our lives in doing the work of Him who sent us out.

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